Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Going Ape - Evolution

Are we still evolving? Well, that all depends on who you're talking too. Steve Jones, leading boffin, reckons we've stopped and took a graveyard walk with host Alice Roberts to show how mortality rates have improved through natural selection and, of course, modern medicine. Meanwhile, another White Coat reckons we're still changing and, surprisingly, we're getting shorter and fatter. Either way, BBC2's 'Horizon' hit the nail on the head again for the non-technical viewer, i.e. 'thetvreviewguy' who tries to make a date with this enjoyable and informative programme whenever he can. Alright, he may not fully understand the quantum mechanics stuff and the multi-universe theories (indeed, being honest, hardly at all), but at least he feels a but cleverer after tuning in. Dr Alice Roberts, a foxy egghead if ever there was one, is never less than a likeable and learned host as she steers us. It's less than 100 years since the Scopes Trial and vast swathes of the American South believe in the literal truth of Genesis; even the 'tvreviewguy' knows that fossils are more than 4000 years old. Science on TV doesn't have to dumb down to be watchable and 'Horizon' has kept pretty high standards since first being on air in 1964. As MTV used to say, 'Feed Your Mind'.

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