Saturday, May 7, 2011

Karl Pilkington - Philosopher for Our Times

Ricky Gervais - huge star. Stephen Merchant - movie career apace. Karl Pilkington? If you're to believe the first two, he's a blithering idiot, moron, twat, arsehole...and these people are his friends. Yet, as fans of Karl will know, he has a unique world-view; stunning in its banality, absurdness and naivety and a laugh-riot. In the animated 'Ricky Gervais Show' (HBO/Channel 4), Pilkington gets the almighty piss taken out of him by Gervais and Merchant, and truth be told, it can be hilarious. Yes Gervais overdoes it on the laughometer and yes the humour can appear cruel and mean...but if Karl's in on the joke, then it's better than 'The Office' for hee-haws and giggles. The thing about Gervais is this; he's creative, funny and smart but his callousness and cruelty grates with 'thetvreviewguy' - he frequently takes a joke too far. 'The Ricky Gervais Show' walks this particular tight-rope. Karl Pilkington wouldn't be the most well-read of blokes, if indeed, he's read any books at all, yet, despite this, he occasionally comes out with an absolute gem of wisdom amongst his moronic and bizarre and guffawable opinions on everything from evolution to philosophy. Ricky Gervais surely knows that Pilkington is the star of the show. While 'thetvreviewguy' won't't be lining up to worship at the 'Genius' Gervais Deity, he likes 'The Ricky Gervais Show' a lot and would particularly like to have a pint with Karl and ask him what's it all about?

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