Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Miranda's Right

She's big, she's funny, she's mainstream on BBC1, and, toottindarnit, she's only gone and got a show named after her! Yes, one of 'thetvreviewguy's favourite comediennes (okay, there aren't that many but this may or may not have anything to do with Christopher Hitchens’ points about women not being funny, don't have the time or space to go there right now) Miranda Hart, has hit the mega time with 'Miranda' (BBC1) now Saturday night fare. The shtick is that she's clumsy and witty and while there's not huge innovation compared to earlier 'funny girl' shows like Mary Tyler Moore, it is frequently a laugh riot; ‘Miranda’ makes you smile and appreciate how talented a performer and writer she is. Comedy is, as 'thetvreviewguy' never tires of saying, an entirely subjective matter. What's funny to a baffling amount of people, i.e. 'You've Been Framed', may not be funny to others. Then there's Lowest Common Denominator substandard US buttter-ball, moral message, boring, US comedy, which again, millions find very entertaining. 'Miranda' scores because she respects her audience's intelligence but doesn't try to be clever-clever or snide; she is a tv power player and one with many years of success undoubtedly ahead of her. Patricia Hodge is superb as Miranda's mother and the supporting cast (Sarah Hadland & Tom Ellis in particular) are excellent comedic actors. A third series is to follow the current one and with both a favourable critical and audience reception, 'Miranda' and 'thetvreviewguy' will be spending more quality time together. Another good reason for not going out.

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